Thursday, March 7, 2019

Let’s head off Captain Marvel on Netflix.

Anyone subscribe?  I do.  Have for a long time, plan to continue.
I certainly won’t “Boycott” Netflix over Captain Marvel.  And they certainly have a right to show films I might not like - lots of them or ones I’d not prefer - as long as there’s enough for me its worth subscribing.

What I fear is a desperate Marvel being breathed hot fire by a diseased Godzilla sized mouse that they had better recoup losses for a grotesque SJW flop - YESTERDAY…

So, Netflix could end up threatened to pay a lot of money or lose the Marvel Franchise and if they pay, WE pay.

But we are customers - we vote with our $.

The thing that gives SJWs (and religious lunatics) so much power is Corporate America’s reliance on “A VERY satisfied customer tells maybe a few people, a dissatisfied customer tells at least 14”.  Usually it’s a good attitude to do your best to please as many as possible.  BUT these corporate guys don’t get the difference between real customers and non-customers who just want someone to do something their way.

Thus - I went onto Netflix, looked for the “Contact” options towards the bottom.  Got a CSR and gave a simple message.  Person of course told me he could not directly talk about politics or current issues but would pass it on to management.  Again, your own words but be polite, concise, to the point.  They can't spend time to chat with you but can pass it on.  Please thank them for their time and do not be difficult.

I advise anyone else that is in Brie Larson’s racist, sexist, age-ist inclusion who subscribes to Netflix do so.  Lots of SJW’s want companies to do things their way, but they aren’t going to buy anything or be good customers.

Now, even if we get a few thousand people poking they’ll still likely get Captain Marvel on Netflix - BUT I doubt they’ll pay Marvel “Milleyuns and Milleyuns” to likewise reverse the box office flop and raise our bills to do so.  It’ll just get FLUSHED like SOY-LO and Last Green Milk drinking Jedi a lot sooner than any movie supposed to be a ‘blockbuster’ ever was.

And I won’t watch it - even ‘free’ on Netflix.
Coz it's third wave Femi-NOT SJW CRUD
One Man's Opinion...

Hey, I’m for “Freedom of Speech”.  Not calling for Brie Larson’s name to be taken down.  And she can make all the “Womyn” movies she wants.  No “White Males over 40” allowed.  Fine.  Problem is that kinda limits the audience.  IS there enough audience excluding these to support such a movie?  Well, more power to the studio.  I want to make my own non-PC stories also, but I wouldn’t expect them to be stuff to force on everyone’s saturday night, just a niche.  She has a right to be in her kind of movies - I don’t have to buy them.  With this I just want to send a message to the producers, the investors, etc. what the star and the writers are doing with their property.  Is the “Womyn and intersectionals ONLY” exclusion going to get so much non-white men, no one over 40 to justify their loss from said groups?  There are LOTS of “Chick Flicks”, “Special Interest” etc. movies that have tons of “Niche” audiences.  But a mainstream ultra budget movie????

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