Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Getting the party started...

Greetings, friends, sorry for the abrupt interruption.
I go by "Maxx Feral" obviously a pen name.  Been writing stories for years, not much publication but don't care.  Now self-publishing works and making a blog to express myself a bit and hopefully develop a rapport with some fans.

I'm a fan of pulps and fantasy/science fiction as was dominate in the past.  I like warped, pulpy stories.  Some I'll post for free.  Some on Drivethrufiction/lulu for people to buy if they wish.

Why you should support me:

1 - Well you'll be reading enough of my stuff for free so if you like my works, and I'll do my best to make the first few pages readable in any sale product so you'll know if you'll want it.  Please support me buy buying a story once in a while:-)  

2 - You vote with your dollars for what you like, versus buying what the publishers decide to put on the shelves from a very huge pile of "I wanna be the next Martin, Tolkien, Rowling..." manuscripts.  I don't ever expect to be "The next...." coz I'm not a hack.  Oh, writers should stick together, I'll avoid like the black death berating any other writer as a hack, though I think they'll call me "Pulpy" and whatever.  I'll focus on putting out as many stories as I can till I drop dead and Inshallah (If God wills it - a fav phrase from some overseas friends) I'll be able to quit "The day job" forever and frequently travel back to India and other places!

3 - I have a motto "Death, Death DEATH to P.C." and I don't mean I'm a Mac user.  
P.C. = "Political Correctness".  
IMO Political Correctness is being on an ocean liner and you go below deck and find the crew sealing the pressure relief valve on the ship's boiler because someone complained they couldn't stand the whistle.  And the ship is running on it's emergency backup engine while its two house sized engines are dead due to non-maintenance because the investors would panic if they showed a slow profit despite constant "$1/Day" ticket sales for a luxury cruise ship.So, indie writer, doesn't want to sell out, likes pulp, hates political correctness.

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