Sunday, May 5, 2019

Again, the wasteland…

My goodness.  There is this story, a movie coming out, a book, an old comic - a videogame getting a sequel...  BUT the author the artist was a bad person, drugs, weird perversions or worse was a christian and not a child molesting drug dealer.  Gasp!  Perhaps he said something the current GroupThink doesn't like...  Ban him!  Burn his books.  Un-Person him!  We don't need to be corrupted by a - well anything the current GroupThink doesn't approve of, don't we?  Don't want them to turn their "Punch a Nazi" fists on us and scream at our place of employment to get us fired, etc...

Destroy!  Destroy it all!  Let there be no idol standing if the source had some failing, said something someone somewhere was offended by.  Break them down! 

After all, per Abrose Bierce "Saint: A dead Sinner, revised and Edited."

If you refuse to enjoy anything because there’s something problematic with the author, the artist, etc. you create for yourself a wasteland of destroyed idols.  Everything is crumbled in a vast desert under a dying sun.  Used this image from Druillet's "Yragel Urm" - a rather crazed tribute to Michael Moorcock and perhaps unknowingly to Clark Ashton Smith and his "Zothique" world.  Druillet himself was the son of a Nazi collaborator and if you look up his works on Goodreads yep have foaming SJW scum giving it negative reviews for just what his father did to avoid getting shot, starving or becoming a lampshade...

Easy to bash HPL due to his real racism, though he mostly HID from other races, including Itallian and Irish in his crumbling house.  But Frank L. Baum is still celebrated.  Uh, he published a frontier newspaper and called weekly for the "Final Solution" to the "Native American Problem" - somehow that doesn't stop his work from being re-published and re-visioned again and again even today...?  And the same hyper liberal SJWs would throw battery acid in each other's faces if it would help them win a William S. Burroughs award for literature - let's not start there.  But then again they shoved Marion Zimmer Bradley in my face when I picked up the cool Frazetta reprints or Dark Horse Conan Trade Paperbacks...  Look up MZB for allegations her daughter made, made more truthful for her husband's legal issues.

For now it appears radical SJW’s are planning to give the new “Earthworm Jim” a negative review - simply because they don’t like the creator Doug TenNapel due to his beliefs and politics. (Christian, a bit right wing/libertarian, is live and let live but doesn’t praise the homosexual agenda…)  SO, no matter how good, or bad or AWESOME that there’s a re-release of the Intellivision console and one of the flagship titles is a NEW “Earthworm Jim” - well they’ll use one of their shouting boxes - PolyGon - to ‘review’ it like its a bad, sucky game…

 Here's the Buzz on it

Here's a good story Doug wrote.  Neat family story.  Yep, Amazon and others are full of rabid SJW's bashing it just because they don't like his politics or beliefs.  I loved it - IMO it'd be a cool movie if half of it (the backstory that is spaced through the main one) was done KlayMation like Neverhood (one of his first works) was and the rest with a RL cast, then some "Roger Rabbit" green screen inserts as the characters meet.  Really, it'd be a neat movie, a modern "Nightmare Before Christmas" or other goofy cult classic.  But the movie producers would fear making it, half the critics hating it because it is legit different, the other half hating it due to hating someone who isn't a hyper left winger screaming and throwing a trash can outside a college after screaming at a guest.

Not even sure if Doug is even going to be involved in it…the new Earthworm Jim.  Nevertheless they are going to likely try to destroy the game and the console - just out of hatred of the original concept artist.  But, hey, good way to get someone “Un-Personed” for “Thought Crime” - in a society with a sabotaged economy with too many people competing for too few jobs, easy to destroy someone just because you don’t like their politics, leading to a world where everyone has to be “Grey men” lest something they whisper offend someone and its like the movie “Metropolis” where they get fired and since the world is one global monopoly no place to go so they shoot themselves…

And it’s the LEFT WING behind stuff like this?  Hyper sh-t headed SJW’s who are an insult to anything and everything real left wingers lived and died for.  And a lie that pretends to be a media that gives them WAY too much credibility.

No, do NOT blame this on “The Hippies”.  They took police batons, worse helping blacks get to vote, to try to end fake wars to make arms makers profits - they took diminished career opportunities fighting for the right things - even later in life lots ditched good jobs because they didn’t support a boss’s racism or a company’s agenda.  Check out Doonsebury’s “Mr Butts” saga on that.

But they were NOT nor ever “Politically Correct”.  Against RL racism, yes.  Later against sexism in RL as it existed in the 60s, 70s yes.  Against doing anything that’d offend anyone at any time…?

Uh, check out R. Crumb and his characters like Angel Food McSpade…  That’s an easily accessible with even a Google search.

Now Crumb has cataloged “The Blues” to a level that rivals his underground work.  He’s rescued countless artists from being forgotten and his underground work while in places quite offensive argued for real social progress.  But he (and the rest of the underground) if they did something that wasn’t horribly offensive to someone at some point - well they really failed that day.

Exceptions to the rule, like “keep on truckin’” and “Fat Freddy’s Cat” of course.